
USB Memory Stick

What's cool with USB flash drives is that they come in interesting and fancy shapes. USB flash drives, because they're very appropriate as subjects Wholesale Sexy Babydolls for artistic renditions (as if other things aren't), aren't just gadgets that look like they're “some piece of LCD Monitors metal and wiring put together” like the usual products of technology (air-conditioners, anyone?). In fact, right now, there's this movement called the “USB art” wherein artists around the world make USB flash drives look funky, preppy, cool and all those other bunch of adjectives LCD Monitors listed in the dictionary. If you love diskettes so Digital Camera Batteries much, you can actually find a USB flash drive that resembles them in appearance.But these renditions doesn't just end with fancy designs. There are also USB flash drives that are made like jewelry for those geeks that have the same amount of fetish that they have for technology for jewelry. Take for example, the USB jewelry created by designers, Tonia Welter and Julia Reymann. LCD Monitors This device, has 2GB of storage built-in and are made from high-quality materials like white gold and palladium (yes, real ones). Prices aren't listed, but we're sure they aren't cheap (hello? Gold?).Another cool yet expensive USB device that's currently in the market is the Gresso Pandora USB. What's so special about it? It's not made of gold nor diamonds, but it's the first ever luxury device equipped with finger print scanning detector. Yes, a scanning detector! A kind of device that you thought you'll only see on CSI.Take note, however, that these USB devices come with hefty price tags. Well they're “attractive” and “trendy” and anything with those characteristics doesn't come cheap these days. If you want cheap ones, just opt with those that are “regularly-shaped” as in rectangular.|||What's cool with USB flash drives is that they come in interesting and fancy shapes.

