
Air Charter

Travel in the lap of luxury with a private Air CharterHow many times in the past have you tried to book a private jet through a local aircraft provider? Been limited by their choice of planes? Only allowed whats available at the time? Thats not right. You should have a choice when youre looking for a private Air Charter. Maybe a change of tact is required in the future and you should let a Air Charter broker take care of all of your flight arrangements. Theyll have access to thousands of planes and take the hassle out of Air Charter procedures. Theyre independent from the mainstream market and have the best business jets ready for take off. Anime Cosplay If youre looking for a quality Air Charter experience, contact the leading jet plane specialists.Make it memorableFancy jetting off for a little Ipad Accessories jaunt to somewhere hot and sunny? How are you going to travel? Dont go by cattle class, enjoy the luxury of a refined Air Charter and travel in style. Make this a memorable vacation with the finest Air Charter service. Book a flight with independent brokers that have numerous industry contacts and enjoy a quality Air Charter experience. Whatever the destination, whenever you plan on leaving, the competitively priced Air Charter service provides luxury leisure or lavish business jets as part of a first class experience. Travel like a VIP and soar through the skies with a memorable Air Charter service. Want to book the best business jets?Who can blame you? Corporate travel is made easier with a leading broker who offers an outstanding Air Charter solution. Business travellers benefit from a number of services by the leading Air Charter brokers. Business users book a Air Charter for UK transfers, or they might use business jets for a little corporate hospitality. All requirements are catered for by independent brokers, they cater for all of your business requirements. Take a team of hard working co-workers on a well-earned break onboard the Air Charter, or Bracelets make travel to conferences easier on competitively priced business jets. Corporate travel becomes a stress-free scenario when private Air Charter is involved.


Experience A Glorious Weekend In The Puritan City- With Our Fun Template Of Plush Accommodations Best Dining Joints And Other Great Advices

Touring Tips For First-Time Boston VisitorsCaught a Boston cheap flight – so what’s next?We tell you about all the good places to see and more. Freedom Trail – A long walk through history is just what you need to commence your trip. A casual stroll amidst Bostonian history can be rejuvenating, but a boisterous guide and fellow tourists can also be a fun way to explore the famed trail. The Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre etc. to name a few of the ancient events that rocked this picturesque city. A free tour of the Boston National Historic Park and some shopping at the Quincy Market can rc flying fish complete the trail tour perfectly. For those who are running a little behind the budget, take the ‘T’, the Boston subway for a cheap round of the city for just $1. The Newbury Street offers you café parlors and designer shops that will take care of your fashion and hunger cravings together – so do stop by there for a pleasant shopping trip. Fenway Park - A must whether you’re a Red Sox fan or not. Game nights are sure to enthrall even the most hardcore anti-sports folks as the oldest Major League baseball stadium is in its majestic form, with cheering crowds and intense live action. This list could not be done with without a mention of the Boston Harbor Islands as in a ferry ride; a whale watching tour is a must. Spend a pleasant day exploring the scenic islands. Helicopter Cruises Of BostonSo you got yourself a Boston cheap flight ticket, and now you’re intrigued by the idea of flying around the Puritan city in a cozy helicopter?Then fret not as we tell you all the know-how necessary for a helicopter tour. Boston is a city that is over-whelming in its list of things to see, visit, savor, enjoy and simply revel in. So flying around the city in a helicopter could be a fun and smart way to go if you angry bird want lovely scenic memories and the whole Bostonian feel in not more than an hour. From the live action in Fenway Park to the majestic Harvard MIT building and other educational temples to the ships dotting the Boston harbor and the myriad paths of the Charles River that will surely delight you and the bridges of Boston that are awe-inspiring in their designs and construction. There are different types of choppers present that you can choose for your ride. Most of them have a weight limit so confirm before nailing the deal. The trips usually begin at Zakim Bridge or Faneuil Hall and don’t vary much in their course. But if you desire some variety from this then just book a custom tour and you might even get a chance to check your house from the skies!The helicopter tours are highly picturesque in a jaw-dropping manner and offer a lifetime of memories in just one ride. 3 Boston Tours That You Cannot Miss!Cost-effective and fun and intriguing – all in one single package – curious?Well in that case, go for a tour!Very pocket-friendly, these tours will not eat up the dough you saved on your Boston cheap flight. Let’s commence the fun and frolic with the ever-popular ‘Duck Tours’. Visit the Boston Common, Copley Square, Bunker Hill and revel in the picturesque scenes as you float on water in these large, land-&-water dual-purpose boats, authentically from the Second World War. Conductors dressed up as various characters will keep you engaged with an animated chatter about Boston’s past and current facts. Get splashed with water as the duck tips into the Charles River at the end of this enjoyable ride. The Trolley Tours is sight-seeing on wheels where you can hop out the second something catches your fancy and jump back in when you’re done; they are super-cheap and a really fun and quick way to see all of Boston in one go. Though ‘Chocolate tours’ may be categorized in the Trolley tours, still it’s chocolate – it had to have its own space; blame it on the utter yummy-ness factor. The chocolate tours have been so popular as to get their own 15 minutes of fame at shows such as the ‘Chronicle’, ‘TV Diner’ and the ‘Phantom Gourmet’ and have for you a chocolate treat at all stops on the trip. Close your eyes and experience the chocolate-y flavors swirling in your mouth when you gorge on the Chocolate Maple Pecan Tartlets, Italian cookies, Dessert "Sushi”, Five Spice Chocolate Soup, Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse, Mango and White Chocolate Pudding and Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding. Boston Museum Guide: We Give You The Best OnesCall up Logan Airport for a smooth Boston cheap flight deal or get your laptop and search for one online. Now the next question is – which are the best museums to spend hours in, especially in this museum-swamped city?Keep reading for all the great museum info you seek. Out of the choice of thirty museums and counting, the Museum of Science should not be missed. Let the children go wild when they visit this museum as a virtual Flying angry bird fish tank, a mammoth 400 and more number of exhibits, an IMAX theatre and also the Mathmatica room will delight them and maybe you too!Art pieces with an international class, ancient mummies, marvelous sculptures, mesmerizing paintings – all this and oodles more at the Museum of Fine Arts – go enjoy!The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum – This breathtaking Venetian-imitation 19th century mansion built by the famed heiress houses three floors of art pieces that the illustrious lady collected during her travels. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is lovingly devoted to one of the most popular Presidents of the United States, and boasts of a whopping 135,000 square feet of archives and an 18,000 square foot museum which house parts of the noted President’s life and policies and also the history of America. The Boston Children's Museum will inform and educate your children about the culture, arts and science and will also take care of hours of amusement while they go wild blowing huge bubbles, making clay things, dancing and singing and playing and having fun!Gaze up at the tall replications of the famous ships that were crucial in the American Revolution at the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum; learn all about American history in the live programs and visit all the amazing exhibits when the museum welcomes you in the scorching months.

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Obama’s Plans for Hybrid Cars

President-elect Barack Obama recognizes the need to address the most common problems of the environment, including America’s dependence on oil. He has identified hybrid cars as the way of the future, the development of which will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and revitalize the American auto manufacturing industry. How exactly can change be brought about? Isn’t the problem too bigger than just driving hybrid cars? Probably. But, no change can be instilled overnight. While there are never any guarantees on what propositions will or will not work, Obama has suggested a few changes that may help wean America from its gas guzzling ways. 1 Million Plug-In Hybrids by 2015While this is a lofty number to reach within just a few years, it shows Obama’s dedication to making serious changes within the auto industry, for our sake and the environment’s sake. Taking the idea of hybrids a step further, there have been new car models made that will charge by plugging them in. These plug-in hybrids do what you might expect. They run on gasoline and rechargeable batteries. At the end of the day, when you get home, you simply “plug-in” your car air swimmers to an electrical source so it can charge while you sleep. No more stopping at the gas station to get your fuel needle off of E in order for you to make it home. You simply plug your car in from the convenience of Air Swimmers your own home. These cars could potentially get 150 mpg, saving the driver enormous amounts of money on gasoline and saving the ecosystem from damages of harmful emissions. Tax Credit for Plug-in Vehicle ConsumersPlug-in vehicles are still in the developmental stages but show promise for enabling cars to run on electricity rather than expensive and environmentally harmful gasoline. Obama has suggested tax credits for consumers who take advantage of the opportunity to drive these cars while they are still new to the market. With initial this buy in, the future of plug-in cars may be closer than some people think. A Law Requiring All Vehicles Made Flex-Fuel CapableFlexible-fuel vehicles, or sometimes called dual-fuel vehicles, are cars that run on a mixture of energy fuels. Most flex-fuel vehicles use some gasoline to run in addition to either ethanol or methanol, both fuels are found to be more environmentally friendly than gasoline. The idea of dual-fuel vehicles is not a new idea. The Ford Model T that was produced from 1908 to 1927 ran on both gasoline and ethanol. Because ethanol was prohibited for much of the 20th century, ethanol fueled vehicles are still being developed. With the proper safety precautions, ethanol may be proven to be a great alternative to gasoline in time. Tax Cuts for Auto Manufacturing PlantsObama has proposed to offer tax cuts to automakers in order to stimulate the auto manufacturing industry. He hopes that by doing this, plants will be able to reach better fuel efficiency standards in the future. Green transportation is a challenging front to tackle, but something that must be done in order to stall or perhaps one day reverse the damage caused by the irresponsible fueling practices of the last hundred years. If we start by instituting these relatively small changes, there may be hope for change. Obama has done some work in this area over the last few years already. He issued The Health Care for Hybrids Act in 2006, which was used in Illinois and Washington state. With the further weakening of the economy since 2006, Obama may need to reevaluate his former laws. It’s possible that even more drastic measures need to be taken rc flying fish in order to salvage the auto industry across the US. If gas prices continue to fall as they have over the last few months, people may ignore the fact that hybrid and fuel-efficient cars are extremely necessary for saving the environment. We must encourage people to look beyond themselves and see how they impact their surrounding environment. The American citizens elected Barack Obama the next president of the United States because they are eager for change to take place across the country. Our perspectives on cars and fuel efficiency are one of the foundational principles that need reexamined and Obama appears to be considering this already. By simply taking a closer look at purchasing a hybrid for your next car, you could be helping the country move a step closer to reducing our dependence on oil.

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What do i have to ask before hiring a SEO expert

Search Engine Optimization is a technique to amplify the rank of the website in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Precise keywords are highlighted in this technique for rising the traffic of the website. Since 90% of the people using search engine just sees the first page result that why firms be after to come in that slot as that would amplified the industry prospective. Due to the increased use of Internet the competition has become violent. Businesses are utilizing countless diplomacy to get the competitive gain and getting the company’s name shown on the top is one such tactics. For achieving this matter you need a professional in SEO who can give you the vital packages to remain ahead of Motorcycle Gloves the contest. These days there are loads of individuals who grant SEO pricing. Choosing a right person is very important.Here are some of the tips which need to be measured while creating the right SEO professional.1.Employ a SEO skilled who is familiar with the type of business you are in. An experience SEO professional could guide you better in this field of search Engine Optimization.2.It’s optional to observe earlier done successful SEO campaign which is frankly linked to your market. This will give you an scheme about the promotional ad.3.SEO works takes time to show the result. The time can vary from weeks to months. Accurate assessment of time would help you to avoid any surprises and misunderstanding in future between you and SEO expert.. Ask your SEO professional to give you the estimated time.4.Ask SEO professional about the SEO campaign carefully. Ask him to give you the detailed method concerning the work. A good SEO certified would easily tell you the procedure but unproven professional would never able to tell you properly.5.Don’t pay any heed to the SEO professional claims of giving “x” amount of links for “x” amount of Dollars. Always remember in mind it’s not quantity that matter, its quality which things the most. If professional is claiming such things then probably he is not worth for you.6.Ask professional to keep you informed about daily working. This will help you to track the campaign properly and you would be able to see where it may go wrong, so that you can take pre-emptive steps.7.Reaching at the top of Google result page is just the half battle. Any fine experienced SEO professional would help you in gaining attention and would help you to maintain that position. More vital is the business that SEO campaign would bring in rather the Rank.8.If you don’t feel like to put yourself in the black list of Google then it’s better not to use Black hat Iphone 4s Screen Protector techniques. Ask SEO expert not to use such technique as Google generally ban such website by not indexing it.So by keeping the above points in mind, you would be able to choose a good SEO specialist who can guide you properly in achieving your target.

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Church Playground Equipment Because All Pray And No Play Makes Church A Dull Place

With children clustering the church regularly, a well equipped playground offers a visible vicinity to gather around before and after services and socialize with peers who share similar values. Also this will keep them away from parking areas or roadways that increase their chances of getting injured. To minimize these incidences and to ensure kids have fun socializing, opt for installing playground equipment. To kids, a playground is the most craved for and exciting area; with equipment like swings, slides, m bars etc.. It is one place they can never get enough of. It's where they learn to enhance their social skills. However, in order to attract the kids towards the playground, it is essential that it is kitted with exciting and colorful equipment which the little ones can't wait to get on. With kids and parents Air Swimmers frequenting the church building, having a well equipped church playground has numerous advantages:* For the parent members of the church, it will provide a feeling of stability as they invest in a fun and safe environment for their kids to play in.* Church playgrounds will ensure that the kids will indulge in constructive and air angry bird safe activities, before and after the service rather than wandering off to the roads. * An attractive and well equipped play space attracts families that are in search of a new church community. Thus providing an additional opportunity to reach out to more families through church-led events which in turn will help build a more cohesive community. As you set out to place your equipment, make use of the natural elements, the property offers like the trees or boulders that make the play area even more air angry bird appealing. Consider opting for brightly colored church playground equipment that can be themed. This can create a staring off point for the kids imagination. For example a jungle-themed m statue that can be seen from a distance lures the child towards itself and can also work as an icon to represent the structure as a whole. Or perhaps you could also incorporate interesting lines and colors that blend with the architecture of the church building, thus giving a whimsical feeling to the playground.You can adorn your church playground with the following equipment:* Play systems: They are devised to be an ideal fit for any location and are fairly inexpensive. They come in both the recycled plastic and plastic material. In flying shark addition to that, their vibrant colors and numerous play activities offered, makes them a popular choice amongst kids.* Swings and seats: A playground is practically incomplete without swings, little ones simply adore them! Commercial grade playground swings make a fun and safe activity as they are strong and long lasting. These swings come in a number of designs like, arch post, tires, tripod etc..* Independent play equipment: At a playground, individual games are just as important as playing group games. Equipment like, funnel ball, tether ball, climbers, slides, merry go rounds etc. are few of kids' all time popular individual activities. * Surfacing: The rubber play mulch ensures the safety of children. So, if a child was to fall off an equipment, there would be safer platform to land on, thus reducing injuries. So, kick start looking for a supplier of church playground equipment online that offers you all of the above and much more at reasonable rates. Also ensure the equipment they offer you, are manufactured using the highest quality ADA compliant material, thus guaranteeing the longevity of your playground equipment.


The Durable Beauty of Wood Laminate Flooring

Made to last, wood laminate flooring presents all of the beauty of true hardwood floors while offering a more forgiving nature for your active lifestyle. Laminate flooring gets its strength from its manufacturing process. Made from Air Swimmers high density fiberboard, the pieces are bonded using high heat and pressure making them extraordinarily strong and versatile. After bonding, a high resolution image depicting the natural striations, color variations and grain of true hard wood flooring is applied and then sealed under a cellulose-based resin. Because of this process, laminate wood flooring can sometimes exceed natural wood options in both durability and versatility.While true hardwood and laminate flooring both offer their own advantages for use in your home, laminate can be an attractive feature for homes with high activity from children, pets or consistent foot traffic. With its hard coated seal, wood laminate flooring offers nearly effortless cleanup of spills and easy repair of air swimmers scratches and dings for everyday wear and tear. Whereas true hardwoods may require sanding or re-sealing of damaged areas, laminate flooring repair may only consist of removing and replacing the individual pieces making its use nearly trouble-free.Beyond its user-friendly durability, other advantages to wood laminate flooring include its installation. Although laminate planks should be acclimated to the surrounding climate in your home just as hardwoods would be, their installation can sometimes be simpler. Offered in click-to-fit systems, many laminate flooring installations can be done in a weekend or less depending upon your room size and shape. Since they are made of durable high density fibers mixed with bonding resins, as opposed to solid wood material, cutting proves to cause few issues and can be Flying angry bird done with typical power tools found in most homes.Because of its hard-wearing character, laminate flooring is also a cost effective choice when considering bulk or whole house applications. Providing all of the beauty with the added assurance of damage resistance, laminate floors can often be purchased and maintained at a fraction of the cost of many other flooring choices. Laminate flooring is perfect for use in bedrooms, halls, kitchens and main living areas where damages to floors and consistent replacement costs can be an issue. Although easily applied by a professional, these floors are also an excellent choice if you plan to install your laminate flooring yourself. These systems often come with easy to follow directions and options for pattern layouts which might cost more if done by a professional. Their durability can withstand cutting and shaping to fit any area of your home with little to no cracking or splitting of fibers which can cut down on unforeseeable damages creating very little installation waste.Although made with durability in mind, your wood laminate flooring must be cleaned regularly to maintain its hard coated surface for years to come. Sweep or vacuum your laminate flooring daily. If possible, air swimmers use a fabric floor duster or vacuum with a soft flooring attachment as opposed to a broom as they provide a more efficient overall cleaning method. Afterwards, use only a slightly damp, soft fabric or cotton string mop to clean your floors. Never soak or wet your wood laminate floors during cleaning. While your laminate floors are durable, it is not recommended to use heavy detergents or scouring agents for cleaning. You may want to consider using cleaning tools and kits especially made for wood laminate flooring. These cleaning kits consist of a dense fiber mop and mild cleaning agents specially designed for use on laminate flooring. Using these materials on your floor will ensure it retains its durable nature and long-lasting beauty throughout the life of its use.

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Combine the Thrills of Powder Skiing with the Comfort of Luxury Mountain Resorts

People have always needed and will always need activities to help them unwind. Even Air Swimmers if there are many of us who can find complete relaxation on an island somewhere, laying under the burning sun after a year of hard work, the truth is that most of us simply cannot settle for this and this is the main reasons why people are always in search of new activities. Generally physical activities, and more precisely sports, have been proven to have the best effects on people looking to recharge their batteries, so to say. There are quite a few extreme sports out there but the truth is that they are way too dangerous for most people and this means that although they might be very enjoyable and deliver unbelievable thrills, regular people still have to find the other activities that are not quite so dangerous. Probably the highest one this list is snow cat boarding and powder skiing, and for good reason as you will find angry bird out. Chances are that when you hear about skiing your mind immediately leads you to think about those boring vacation in some ski resort where you can maybe catch one or two enjoyable rides down the mountain, because most of the time the slopes are crowded by hundreds of people trying to avoid each other. Powder skiing is the exact opposite of what you are thinking. Yes, it is basically the same sport but the similarities end at the equipment you will be using. Powder skiing and snow cat boarding give you all the freedom you could ever imagine coupled of course with some of the most beautiful mountain sceneries in the entire world. There are numerous countries where you can go snow cat boarding or powder skiing but very few air swimmers of them offer tourists with as many opportunities and options as Canada. Regardless of whether you plan on taking a vacation with a small group of friends or you are planning an elaborate team building trip, a snow cat boarding or a powder skiing vacation is definitely the best choice for you. Simply imagine being driven up on a mountain covered with freshly fallen snow and being able to make your way down without having to watch out for trees, other skiers or without having to stay within the marked slope. This is exactly what snow cat boarding and powder skiing will offer you and if you think that you will have to endure mediocre living conditions then you are completely wrong, as most companies specializing in snow cat boarding and powder skiing services welcome their clients with memorable luxury mountain resorts. Powder skiing can be considered as being a few levels up from the traditional form of this sport and this means that anyone interested in practicing it needs to have fast reflexes but also enough experience with this sport. Again, you don’t have to worry that wanting to stay in the best rc flying shark luxury mountain resorts will somehow reduce your options because you will have a significant selection of companies and destinations to choose from.


Casino 101 Things to consider when looking for a casino online

When looking for an online casino, you have to consider a number of things. A casino spiele is practically a very established industry already across the world and even if there are some countries that find them illegal in their jurisdiction, a lot of European countries do benefit from these industries. There are hundreds and practically thousands of these casinos online. If you are thinking of trying out a game or two in a casino, you have to be knowledgeable of some very important things. These details will be pivotal in your gambling and of course your safety as an in internet user. Years in the businessAn online casino that has lasted for so long will certainly appeal more too many compared to a casino that has just spurted in the internet. A casino that has years of experience have been subjected to a number of casino review and it also has proven itself as a reputable company capable of providing services to its clients. It is necessary to look at its record and extensive experience since the world of online casino is very competitive. They must have done something right to make their services good to have a good number of patrons and to give payouts, bonuses and all other things. Software providerThere are some software providers that have been providing services for just 3 years but they have been elevated to a very high status. A casino operator online uses a software program that will be downloaded to the computer of their clients. The software company should have a good track record. Aside from that, the games, from the visuals to the realistic gaming experience should be present. On top of that, any personal information and financial data you send should be encrypted and only authorized employees can access them. You can research them online to find out the best software providers for the specific Air Swimmers online casino spiele operator. Money transferThe casino you should pick should flying shark be capable of the money transfer mode that you prefer. There are those who like to have direct bank accounts but these are not allowed in the US. Wire transfer is alright, credit cards are allowed also but the most popular right now are the e-wallets. With this method of payment, you are assured that your financial data is secured and when you make transactions, your credit card and bank details will not be shown. This is very useful for those who want to have a more secure transfer of money. Look at the money transfer options on the website. CertificationCredibility is not merely due to the years of experience. It is much deeper than that. There are rc flying shark private, independent companies serving as vanguards of the online casino industry making sure that the website casino is offering fair play, fair payout and high quality service at all times. Look at remote controlled flying shark the certification of the online casino and make sure that they are following standard protocols for safer and more enjoyable gaming in the online casino.


Omega Replica Watches At Watchcopiez - People Intimate Companion

Although many would say that one do not have to stick to brands or designer accessorize in order to look elegant and stylish, but still, nothing can be look more assuring of our style statement than carrying a well-known brand name. This is all because designer labels bring together a special aspect of features and elegance. One of these extensively poplar designer brands Wholesale Knives is Omega. The entire assortment of Omega watch is hugely admired as it counts for the very significant aspect of prestige among fashion-conscious shoppers. Though the brand is expensive, thousands and thousands of shoppers do not mind to spend a good amount of money on these quality products. Every Omega watch is a true 'work of art'. The quality, the design, the look, everything is superbly refined and elegant. Nowadays, a lot of people are also shopping for the fine quality replicas of Omega watches. These Omega Replica are exact mirror image of the originals in terms of both quality and looks. Such replica watches are available at extremely low prices so that all those people who cannot afford these designer brands because of their soaring high prices can easily satiate their quench of carrying and flaunting designer style and vogue. So , if too were, wondering for an alternative that allows you to show off designer style without causing a dent in your wallet, then opt for the Omega replica. These Omega replica will not allow you carry all your personal belongings in an efficient ay but will also enhance your overall personality by giving you a much organized look. Omega watches also make great gifts. Often, people love to receive Omega Seamaster Replica designer watches as they are the representative of true style and convenience. The blend of perfect looks and spacious carrier is something what everyone desires and is always in need of.Omega replica watches are widely known for their unique style. The variety is as extensive as it is exquisite. Various categories from men and women to unisex are available in these brands. A very convenient way of shopping for a perfect, fine quality replica Omega watch comes from the source of Internet. These days, a lot of recognized replica watch makers are available on the web with their exclusive websites. These website, showcase each and every Replica Watches with number photographs taken from different angle, so that potential customers get completely satisfied with what they are going to purchase. Also, all details about the size and material used are given along with the quoted price to avoid any scope of confusion. However, while shopping led lights from such e-stores make sure that they are registered and authentic and do not misuse your identity information.

Do You Have the Glands to Succeed

New business owners often wonder what it takes to be successful. My first response is always, "What do you mean by ’success’?" Have you asked yourself that question? The definition is often a personal one. For me, it’s spelled with four letters: T-I-M-E. For the purposes of this column, let’s assume that we’re talking about getting your business to run virtually on auto-pilot, with stable residual income. Let's start there.Based upon my own successes and failures I certainly have plenty of silage to wade through and waffle up a response about the secret to success. However, my favorite answer is associated with one of my favorite Motivation and Success authors, Zig Ziglar. He writes, "Success is dependent upon the glands -- sweat glands."Zig’s quote is far from original. (I just appreciate his ‘eloquence’.) After all, Thomas Edison -- you know, the light bulb guy -- is quoted as saying, "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." Isn’t that a kick to the butt of all the Network Marketing, over-night-success claims? The big shocker is in how applicable these statements are to all aspects of our personal and professional lives. Stay with me. All is not lost.I Have To Work For It?Think about it. EVERY thriving business owner, CEO, and network marketer will admit that HARD WORK is at the core to their success. Marriage counselors will tell you that a successful marriage takes work. If you ask your favorite professional athlete the secret to their success, they'll attribute it to a great Motorcycle Apparel coach and A LOT of hard work. You’ll also learn that success does not come overnight. This is a universal truth! Through brief gaps in the fog of my college days I remember that ‘Work’ is always associated with Effort and Duration. (OK, before you Physics buffs jump on me -- Force x Time. Allow me some literary license, here.)So, How Can I Accelerate Success?When it comes to business, most successful people are extremely talented at leveraging the efforts of others. They distribute the work load and multiply the benefits in a very short time. As you begin to leverage more and more assets (people, tools, technology), you’ll notice your personal time grow. Once you’re up and running, you can begin to approach the idyllic success of my friend, Tim Ferriss’ "The 4-Hour Work Week." (Truth be known, he ‘works’ more than four hours, but that’s because he’s constantly looking for new solutions.)Great, I Have Good Income. How Do I Take It To The Next Level?Let’s say that you’ve achieved some level of success...What then? How do you take it to the next level? "Work harder," you say? Well, yes and no. Work alone will get you only so far. You can spend day after day raking horse hair across cat gut and never get your violin to sing at Carnegie Hall. Sports Watches At some point you have to take lessons and apply yourself. Invest in YOU, and by doing so, improve your business. You must continue to LEARN and increase your personal value to your market! Fortunately, unlike Thomas Edison, much of what you’re trying to achieve has been forged by others. This is the Internet age...Google it! What I’m trying to tell you is, READ!!!Now That We’ve Warmed Up And Whet Your ‘Glands,’ Let’s Recap.1.Success begins with hard work.2.Growth is accelerated by leveraging the effort and talents of others.3.Persistent achievement occurs with continuous learning.Remember, success, while it can come fast, usually takes effort and time. If someone (or some company) tells you, "Just do what I do and you’ll be an overnight success," get a tight hold on your wallet and head for the door, fast!In a subsequent column I’ll disclose the #1 PROVEN strategy for personal and/or business growth. In the mean time (I’m sure there’s some reading that you need to catch up on).Here’s a preview of the second segment in this series:Exercising Your Glands (redux)"Sure, there are probably thousands of books and gurus claiming to hold the secrets. How do you know which oyster holds the pearl which will catapult you on the next phase in your growth? If you don’t know where to start, here’s the #1 proven method to..."